Esculap - Бесплатный обмен медицинскими изображениями для сотрудников здравоохранения. Медицина, медики, врачи.

Using Smilies (emoticons)

smile :-)
big grin :-D
wink ;-)
mixed :-/
thoughtful V-.
tongue out :-P
cool B-)
approve ^-)
wide eyes 8-)
surprise 8-o
sad :-(
shy 8-.
blush :-I
kisses :-X
clown :o)
black eye P-|
angry 8-[
dead xx-P
sleepy |-.
evil }-]

When writing online, it can sometimes difficult to express emotion with plain text. These little icons can help.

To insert these icons in your text: just click the icon above, or type the associated text code directly in your text.

Note that the codes themselves are like little pictures - just turn your head to the left when looking at them

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Вывести эту справку на следующем языке: Русский